What is an inclusive Youth Parliament?

An inclusive youth parliament is a platform where diverse youth, including those with disabilities, come together to engage in dialogue, advocate for positive change, and ensure equitable representation in decision-making processes.


The IRWA inclusive youth parliament will be prioritizing persons with disabilities by being more accessible and inclusive for them. It allows individuals with disabilities to participate without any barriers, making it easier for differently abled individuals to hone their skills and gain experience in parliamentary affairs. Youth Parliament provides an opportunity to the youth to voice their concerns over ongoing regional and national issues and share their opinions on the current challenges faced by our country. For differently abled youth, it is an opportunity to raise awareness about challenges and limitations faced by them. 


The parliament will entail  the development of comprehensive policy proposals addressing a wide range of issues, with input from diverse youth, including those with disabilities. Standing committees will work collaboratively to craft innovative solutions, and guest speakers will offer expertise to inform debates. Advocacy efforts will be multifaceted, encompassing grassroots campaigns, awareness initiatives, and engagement with policymakers to ensure lasting impact on society’s inclusivity and equity.